Monday, May 7, 2007


So I have not posted in a good while, not that I ever did with any regularity in the first place. Time to change that a little. I am writing because of my inner excitement at the prospect of a new job. I go for a second interview Weds. and am hoping that I make the final cut and can get out of the hell hole of a job I am in at the moment. Here is to hoping. I also have a possible interview with another company in the next week or two. They rescheduled that one and said they would give me a ring once they worked out the details of the new position they were hiring for (we will see). So all of you people out there keep your fingers crossed for me (all two of you) and I hope to write with good news some time soon. TTFN


Michal said...

Good luck ma dude! I'm sure you'll do just fine :D. Here's to getting out of hell... battle!!!

Jen said...

good luck joe!

Nikki said...

Good luck! (crosses fingers & toes)